The Revolution Has Just Begun!
I congratulate you for taking this bold step to PUSHTM Forex Formula. At the end of this introductory course, you will understand why you need to join a rare league of the next-step goldmine, FOREX trading. Unlike other FOREX materials you may have read previously, I like to keep everything in a no-nonsense, idiot-proof straight to the point manner, no one likes to read hundreds of pages of drivel. I include everything you need to know to make money with the PUSH Forex Formula, nothing more and nothing less.
You’ll also be introduced to our little known secrets of generating trading signals with high probability setups, all put together into a turbo-charged system, to give the PUSHTM Forex Formula a winning edge. I bet you, if it is not this formula, then it can’t be FOREX!
Read on, enjoy and start making money. But wait, before we let the cat out of the bag, here's...
A Fundamental Truth...
Yeah! I love the quotable quote. If only you can see what others can't see, then you're rich. But there's one thing to see what people don't see and there's another thing to act upon what you see ahead of others. What do I mean here, you would ask me?
Here's a short profile of George Soros, a renowned Forex trader and investor who I referred to as a "contrarian". Just read him below.
Here's a short profile of George Soros, a renowned Forex trader and investor who I referred to as a "contrarian". Just read him below.
Soros, born in Hungary in 1930 but lives in U.S.A as an investor and market speculator, was quoted as a "man who broke the Bank of England" in early nineties when he 'sell short' the British Pounds using the logic from what we know as speculation. He saw in 1992 that the Bank of England interest rate would decline by 5% and the news came out as exactly as he speculated. Seeing what others could not see made him rich by $10 billion that year to invest in the British Pounds (selling short the Pounds against its 'majors'). Other traders followed his voice and the British Pounds started declining against its 'counterparts'.
Just one man, broke down the British economy in 1992. That's a financial guru! He became a legendary speculator of our time. He came to Nigeria in 2009 during the banking distress period to invest in the sector, and you know what? The banks lined up to seek his hand in marriage. He moved to Zimbabwe to do same. But, what does it takes to be a "contrarian"?
Perhaps, you're confused with the term "contrarian". A contrarian is a non-conformist, revolutionist and risk taker. It could be a trading system that is against the norm (crowd). It takes a great risk to always be against the crowd and take the lead where others follow. But a contrarian is comfortable with that trait because he is never afraid of being in the game of contrary opinion and he enjoys doing "the right thing at the right time". But, how do we define 'risk' or 'risk taking' here?
There is a quotable quote I love from another contrarian, Warren Buffett.
Just one man, broke down the British economy in 1992. That's a financial guru! He became a legendary speculator of our time. He came to Nigeria in 2009 during the banking distress period to invest in the sector, and you know what? The banks lined up to seek his hand in marriage. He moved to Zimbabwe to do same. But, what does it takes to be a "contrarian"?
Perhaps, you're confused with the term "contrarian". A contrarian is a non-conformist, revolutionist and risk taker. It could be a trading system that is against the norm (crowd). It takes a great risk to always be against the crowd and take the lead where others follow. But a contrarian is comfortable with that trait because he is never afraid of being in the game of contrary opinion and he enjoys doing "the right thing at the right time". But, how do we define 'risk' or 'risk taking' here?
There is a quotable quote I love from another contrarian, Warren Buffett.
An average investor in the world is a risk taker. And the simple way to fight over your risk is: to give it what it takes. I can rewrite the above quote in this way, "risk is not knowing what to do [in the Forex market]" Very simple and i love that. An informed mind makes a liberal investor, and he is never afraid of what happens within and outside his environment. Forex trading is for the risk takers and our risks are minimized because we know what to do in the market.
I also agree with one of my financial mentors, Robert Kiyosaki. He quoted the financial control/prudence as this, "What you know is your asset and this becomes your wealth, but what you don't becomes your liability and this in turn brings you into poverty." So, the fact is either you control the financial market or the market takes control of you. Period!
No doubt, there's always a defined gap between the poor and the rich. I finally resolve here, after this wonderful discovery of PUSH Forex Formula, that whatever i have information about is under my personal control. Then, i can definitely control the price movement in Forex market.
The secret to what really moves the Forex market is still available and few has got it right here - the birth of PUSH Forex Formula in due season - and the logic behind this revolution is: its SIMPLICITY and CONVENIENCE- you don't have to be in the Forex market 24 hours to make money, but the ability to do the right thing at the right time wins huge profits consistently in Forex market! That's the common traits I learned from these financial gurus.
So, here comes a revolution: PUSH Forex Formula
What Is PUSH Forex Formula?
PUSH Forex Formula is borne out of being a "contrarian" - that is, a revolutionary (trading) system acting in contrary to the crowd. Why? Oftentimes, the financial market is generally believed to be right when other technical indicators and news support the price movement. But on a contrary note, we noted hidden facts which were only known and traded by the "few" traders for decades. I won't let the secret out yet. Just follow me on this platform and you would soon discover this life-long secret to rake in from over $3.6 trillion (in daily turnover) market in the world.
PUSH Forex Formula is a 100% mechanical system for trading any financial market (currency, stocks, futures, metals, commodities, options, etc). The accuracy rate is about 97.5% on all tested trades. The principles behind this "out-of-box" system has been tried and proven by legendary traders/investors, who are considered to be the "few 10%" (winners) like Larry Williams, George Soros, Jesse Livermoore, John Murphy among others who control the market from the "large 90%" (losers). There's no doubt about this fact...it's either you accept it or take it.
The revolutionary trading system has been under performance testing for three years now with high probability trade setups and no any loss has ever been recorded.
Let's see proofs below:
559 pips achieved trading USDCHF instrument on 7th - 15th July, 2010.
Imagine $79,298,000 on Gold metal for only 41 days "no-loss" trading.
The amazing performance of PUSH Forex Formula cuts across other financial instruments. View the trade charts for EURUSD, NASDAQ 100 E-mini, Dow Jone, etc below.
View my account statement for 1 day trading...
Relax! Don't rush to your appetite yet. You'll get to see more of this trade charts in the subsequent editions. Okay!
Perhaps, you may ask why has this system being delayed since? I tell you, it has been very challenging trading Forex, especially in the part of the world. Some of my co-traders we started together quit the journey because of the risks involved. But can we run away from this world because we are afraid of taking risks?
Remember: Higher returns, higher risks expected in every investment. And in history, no money has ever been dropped on a platter of gold and it will never be. Quote me wrong!
But, thank God, you're being referred here to see and know what other people don't. So, just follow me and i bet you, we will all soon gonna be part of the "few 10%" who rule the market. This is absolutely a jail break!
What an amazing world! The revolution has just begun. Open wide your mind and erase all negative thoughts you've got about Forex market. If you've ever fallen before trading Forex, now forget your pasts and dust the sands off your back. Forex has come to stay. It is fundamentally real and live! No gimmicks! No B.S!
NEXT >>>
"A mind that is opened to a new idea would never
go back to its original position"
---Oliver Wendell Holmes
1 comment:
really, success does not come by following the crowd. Just have to be different.
iyanu, you've made a landmark in history of financial market. Keep it up. pls can i request for any promotional manual here?
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